• Wordpress Plugin

Independent Analytics

Cookieless website analytics with deep integration into Wordpress

Lab status:

Being tested

The WordPress plugin “Indenpendent Analytics” is an alternative – or a supplement – to Google Analytics. It has two main selling points:

1. Privacy-Friendly and GDPR Compliant by Design

Like Matomo (another Google Analytics alternative) the tracking is privacy friendly and no cookies are left in your users’ browser. You own the data and nothing leaves your server. This results in way more accurate data because more and more people and browsers are rejecting cookies.

2. Analytics Made Exclusively for WordPress

The plugin gives many interesting insight that is very complicated to get from for example Google Analytics. Also it is possible to share access with collaborators based on roles in WordPress and to disable tracking based on user role.

  • Find stats for authors and post categories
  • View page performance by post type
  • Find stats throughout the WP dashboard
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